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Youth Club 
(previously known by as JAM)





J.A.M. is for 2nd-5th graders.  Each fall we start in September and go to the last week of April.  

Every Wednesday during the school year something exciting happens at Our Savior’s.  
It is called Youth Club and it is an awesome adventure.  Each week we participate in a four part program that helps us practice living out God’s word.  We practice treating everyone as a Child of God as we study together, sit down for a meal during family time, play games or make cool stuff, and work together to lead worship.  Not only do we make new friends and grow old friendships, but we learn a lot about the adults in the programs as we work with them week by week.  


Our Youth Club is part of The LOGOS Ministry. 


Kid's Choir 2024-2025

Kids in K-8th grade are invited to join “CELEBRATION SINGERS CHOIR!” NEW THIS YEAR: MIDDLE SCHOOL students are invited and encouraged to join the choir. It’d be a great asset to have you! 


Come learn new songs, hang out with new friends, and share your gift of worship music with Our Savior’s Lutheran Church congregation. The choir sings at worship approximately one time a month plus a couple special events. 


Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays beginning September 13, 2024 from 4:45-5:30 pm. 

Youth Club participants will register for choir when registering for YC and will begin on September 25, 2024.


Registration forms are also available in the church narthex.


For more information, please call, text, or email

Joy Rauner at 763-234-8131


“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,

burst into jubilant song with music” 

Psalm 98:4

Children coloring

Youth Club JR

Pre K - 5th Grade

Are you in Pre K - Grade 5 and looking for an abbreviated experience?  Join us for Youth Club Jr.  We'll meet on Wednesdays at 5:30pm for a time of music, a lesson, and the option to stay for the YC meal.  Youth Club meets from September - April

Palm Sunday 2025

Children coloring

LIFT (Life in Faith Together)

 One Sunday a month, we'll offer an intergenerational faith formation opportunity in Luther Hall.  Think of Sunday School for the whole church!  Bring your parents, siblings, cousins, friends, and grandparents!  LIFT will be in Luther Hall on 9/15, 10/13, 11/24, 12/8, 3/23, 4/6, and 5/11 at 9:45am.  No registration is needed for LIFT!

Children's Worship Table


 It is important to have children in worship, so they learn how to be a part of the congregation.  We know this can be a little tricky at times.  Please make sure the children visit the table in the front of the sanctuary (over by the choir loft) where they will find children's bulletins, toys, a project sometimes, etc.

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Attention incoming 6th grade students and families: I’d like to invite you to mark your calendars and participate in this year’s monthly after school Faith on Friday program at Our Savior’s, which begins this Fall. This program is a once-a-month opportunity for fun, learning, service, and prayer for 6th grade students. This ministry is aimed at helping 6th graders transition more smoothly into middle school and serves as a pre-confirmation program while building important relationships.

One Friday each month (from September – May) we will gather at church immediately after school until 6:00 pm. Past activities have included swimming at Shoreview Community Center, volunteering at Centennial Area Food Shelf, and Winter Olympics! Below is a link to the full registration information packet. They are also available outside Nick’s office.

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Our Savior's
Lutheran Church


9185 Lexington Ave.
Circle Pines, MN 55014

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